Agriculture is Arkansas’ largest industry. The Arkansas Farm Bureau (ArFB) AgPAC exists to ensure that farmers and ranchers have a voice in the policy decisions that shape their lives, future and way of life.
About the ArFB AgPAC
The ArFB Federal AgPAC and the ArFB State AgPAC were organized by ArFB members for the purpose of influencing the nomination, election, or selection of qualified candidates to public office in both state and federal elections who have demonstrated basic beliefs and/or actions which are consistent with Farm Bureau policies, regardless of political affiliation.
Each ArFB AgPAC is governed by an elected board of directors. The ArFB AgPAC board of directors considers contribution decisions with input and direction from local county Farm Bureau members.
Each candidate is evaluated on their own merits. Endorsements and contributions are determined according to individual voting records. Determinations for endorsement are made strictly on an individual basis — not on a political party basis. If an individual does not have a voting record, a questionnaire may be provided to non-incumbents to help understand the candidates’ positions.
Join the ArFB AgPAC
Your investment in the ArFB Federal AgPAC and/or the ArFB State AgPAC will amplify the voice of agriculture with our elected officials in both Washington D.C. and Little Rock. With your support, Arkansas Farm Bureau members will be positioned to make an impact on agriculture and rural communities like never before.
ArFB and your county Farm Bureau will not favor, disadvantage, retaliate or take reprisal against any person by reason of the amount of that person’s contribution to, or that person’s decision not to contribute to either the ArFB Federal AgPAC or the ArFB State AgPAC. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employers of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year.
The maximum aggregated contribution limit per calendar year to the ArFB Federal AgPAC is $5,000 per individual. Contributions to ArFB Federal AgPAC may not be accepted from corporations or any incorporated entity.
The maximum aggregated contribution limit per calendar year to the ArFB State AgPAC is $10,000 and contributions may be received from individuals, proprietorships, firms, partnerships, joint ventures, syndicates, labor unions, business trusts, companies, corporations, associations, committees or any other organization or group of persons acting in concert.
ArFB is prohibited from soliciting contributions to the ArFB Federal AgPAC from anyone other than ArFB members, and contributions will be screened with those from persons outside the restricted class being returned.
Be advised that contributions are NOT tax deductible.
Contribute to the ArFB AgPAC
Your contribution to either the ArFB Federal AgPAC and/or the ArFB State AgPAC is strictly voluntary.
Click on the links below to contribute to the ArFB Federal AgPAC or the ArFB State AgPAC now. Or you can also mail checks to the ArFB AgPAC, P.O. Box 8089, Little Rock, AR 72203. Checks should be made payable separately to ArFB Federal AgPAC and/or ArFB State AgPAC.